
Beire: Achieving A+ SocioRating Recognition

Sep 29, 2021
Our people shape us - they define who we are and who we aspire to be. In September 2021, we participated in SocioRating research, to quantify the quality of the Beire culture. We wanted to examine the elements that influence our corporate culture and the overall internal environment. 


SocioRating's evaluation serves as a mirror to our organization's vitality, employees' identification, trustworthiness, and satisfaction. It enables a fair comparison of organizations across fields, focusing on the cognitive, emotional, and behavioural aspects of employees' attitudes. The rating scale extends from A+ (Outstanding) to C (Risky). 

Beire achieved an A+ rating, the pinnacle of this scale. This exceptional outcome highlights excellence in assessed areas: identification, trust, innovation, satisfaction, and responsibility. 

Here's a brief glimpse into the indices and our performance: 

Identification Index: This index gauges employees' identification with Beire's corporate culture. Our high score indicates employees personally identify with Beire. 

Trust Index: This measures trust levels within the company, both horizontally and vertically. Our results show robust trust within our team on both a professional and human level. 

Innovation Index: This signifies Beire's potential for innovation. According to the results, our employees feel free to propose, implement, and accept changes. 

Satisfaction Index: This reflects the overall atmosphere in the workplace. Our result underscores our effort to bring positivity and growth to the forefront. 

Responsibility Index: This mirrors how responsible employees perceive Beire to be. The outcome shows our employees view Beire as a company that is significantly responsible towards its people and society at large. 

At Beire, we are committed to being a socially responsible organization, and objective measurements reassure us that we're on the right path. Nonetheless, we understand that this journey is not possible without the personal conviction and engagement of our dedicated colleagues. A positive socio-rating is simply a data point in time, not a final destination.